8 Channel Volumetric Rat Array
- volumetric coil array for 1H imaging of rats
- 8 channel volumetric array
- receive-only
- actively decoupled
- 2×4 coil elements on inner tube
- integrated preamplifiers
- migrates overview image and scan of a particular region into one coil
- covers a FoV of 18 cm length
- for high SNR details choose only the coil elements next to your ROI
- animal is positioned only once, no further repositioning is needed
- supports parallel imaging methods such as SENSE or GRAPPA
- mechanically adapated to RAPID Biomedical standard rat holders (i.e. LHRXGS-00563) with integrated anaesthesia mask and stereotactic fixation
- measurements:
inner diameter 72 mm
outer diameter 119 mm
coil length 210 mm - pre-requisites: 8 channel receiver system and an actively decoupled volume transmit coil
Individually adaptable to the established systems like Bruker, Agilent, Varian and clinical scanners at any field strength.
Please contact us for availability on your NMR system.
H. Michaely, Institute of Clinical Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim